Monday, July 26, 2010

If home is where the heart is..

My heart longs for Didasko Childrens Home, in Honduras, on the outskirts of Tegucigalpa. Not only did the children there capture my heart, but they kept it with them when I left. The trip I made to Honduras was truly life changing. I realized alot of things. I realized that the love of God is so similiar to the love of those children, they were not phased by your race or your appearance, nor were they concerned with the lifestyle you lived, or the people you associated with, or the amount of money that you possessed, they simply loved you, for you. I realized that language is not a barrier, because happiness & love are the same in every language. These babies spoke very broken english, their first language was spanish. Therefore I could not converse with them about life, school, their past, or their future, as much as I would have liked to. Dispite the difference in our languages the love for those kids was the same as the love between me and any english speaking child. A smile, a hug, a laugh, and a kiss mean the same no matter what language I speak. I realized that it is possible to give your heart away to someone in a way that is different than you normally place that phrase with. Those kids captured my heart, and I miss and think about them everyday, therefore I have given my heart to them. I realized that it is very possible to love someone within a week of meeting them , like what happened with these kids. I was there for 1 week, and in that week I met every one of them, knew them by name, and was in love with them all. In one week I found a love for all of Honduras that I never knew I had. In one week I realized my love for missions, and orphanages, and everyone that goes along with those. In one week I learned how to put someone, well, 28 little someones, ahead of myself. In one week I realized that God loves the "throw away babies" more than we can fathom, and that each and every one of them will grow up and become godly men & women, and will become missionaries in their very own country. I realized that my life will never be the same after that trip to Honduras. I am going back during the Thanksgiving break, and I cannot wait to see all of their beautiful, smiling faces.


  1. I am so proud of you and the wonderful woman of God you have become. So people go their who lives and never learn some of the things you have in 17 years. I love you so much.

  2. thank you M! I love you so much more!<3
