Wednesday, September 29, 2010

On a scale of 1 to 10..

I have not blogged in a while, but this is something that I have been hearing alot lately and it is bothering me. I have heard people referring to others saying that they are "not as Christian" as someone else. I hate that, really. There should be no scale of how Christian someone is. Either you are or you arent. It is that simple. Either you live your life according to what God calls you to do and there is evidence in your everyday life that proves that you are a follower of Christ, or not. I think people have defaulted their religion to "Christian" when they do not feel like they should say "Athiest" and "Hindu" or anything else. Christianity is not a default that sounds good to put in your info section on Facebook. People say that they are Christians, when really, they have never given themselves over to Jesus Christ. I am seriously not being judgemental or anything, I swear. I just think that if you are going to be a Christian by default, just leave the "religion" box blank. It is disrespectful for people to be living they way they are and professing to be a follower of Jesus. It cannot be that way. Either you live your life for yourself or you live it for the One that created you. You simply cannot do both. I love seeing people turn their lives around and live for Jesus, but it aggravates me that people will say they are Christians when really, they just need something to fill in the box that say "Religious Views: _______"


  1. i wish this had a 'like' button.

  2. To be fair to the people you are criticizing, there is an immense pressure to be perfect in our society, and in our demographic, Christianity is often times thought of as a perfection. When I was younger, even though I didn't agree with any religion I studied, I still identified as Christian because of all the judgment flowing out of family members, friends and authoritative figures.
    I'm not promoting people pretending to be something they are not-- but the exact opposite. Sometimes you just have to realize that no one has reached out to them and told them it's okay to not be perfect in all others' eyes, just as long as you're happy with yourself.

  3. Leah, although we do not agree on everything... I really like you. :)
